Defensible Space

Benefit Zones

Fire safety in Mendocino County is not just a construct for fire season. It is an ongoing process which requires the efforts of several diligent agencies such as the Sherwood Firewise Communities, The Mendocino County Firesafe Council, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, The County Department of Transportation, Cal Fire, local fire departments and several

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The fire-resistant home is coming to California, and here’s what it looks like

Howard and his wife, Merritt, are now rebuilding in a way to avoid a repeat of the disaster. They’re part of a small yet growing number of people building homes with a design and materials to resist fire. The Boosters’ new home will have a metal roof and and it won’t have an attic or soffit vents. Napa-based architect Brendan Kelly says it will be “impregnable” using pre-fabricated steel framing wrapped in noncombustible insulation from Canada-based homebuilding company BONE Structure.

The fire-resistant home is coming to California, and here’s what it looks like Read More »