Sherwood Firewise Communities (SFC) serves the communities of the Brooktrails Community Township, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Gates, Sylvandale, Sherwood Valley Rancheria, Sherwood Ranch, and all other properties adjacent to or off of Sherwood Road in Willits, California.
Sherwood Firewise General Meeting
Thursday December 12, 2024 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Join us to review the many accomplishments made during 2024 and discuss plans for new programs in 2025
- To join by Zoom
- Meeting ID: 856 2503 6304
- Password: 918795
- To join by phone
- Dial for audio only without internet or for audio while viewing meeting without computer mic/speaker (669) 900-6833
- Meeting ID: 856 2503 6304
- Password: 918795

For next SFC meeting date, click here OR here. For MORE important announcements, click here!

The purpose of Sherwood Firewise Communities is to create and support fire adaptive and resilient communities. This is a volunteer organization. We work with other Fire Safe Groups, Brooktrails Fire Department, the County of Mendocino, and other governmental organizations to maximize our ability to create a safer environment for our residents to withstand emergencies. Consider joining us if you are not already a member!
We invite you to view the different pages of this website. SFC has listed information on personal evacuation planning as well and communication alerts and other resources that may be important in an emergency situation. Being prepared creates a safer environment for all.

Current SFC Meetings and OTher Important Events
Click here to Visit Our Calendar to see the schedule of quarterly meetings, special events and the SFC You Tube Channel. Meetings are held at the Brooktrails Community Center.

Join SafetyNet for Local Incident Notices
Join SafetyNet for notice (by text, email or phone) of verified incidents that relate to the Sherwood Corridor. This system does not take the place of the Mendocino County MendoAlert System. However, it may provided additional information about local incidents that might affect the Sherwood Corridor. If feasible, know your immediate neighbors. Know if someone is disabled, frequently without transportation, or has pets, livestock or other needs. Click here for a SafetyNet registration form and to read more about SafetyNet.

Join the SFC Community
SFC is always in need of additional volunteers. We need people with experience in administration, data entry, website maintenance, publicity, grant writing, accounting, and project management. Email SFC at with contact information to join SFC.

Helpful Links, Lists & Resources

Mendocino County Emergency Alerts
It is recommended that you register for both of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s emergency alert systems to receive evaluations notices and orders. Sign up for Nixle by cell phone by texting 95490 to 888777. Sign up for MendoAlert (notice by phone, text or email)

Order a CAL FIRE Approved Address Sign
COMING SOON…This will be very helpful for first responders finding your exact location in case of an emergency, especially if it is smokey or dark.
Neighbors working together to create a safer community
Have questions or comments for SFC? Contact us at