Community Chipper Program

Funding is available from the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council for Sherwood Corridor residents to chip brush and branches removed near homes.

Reducing fire fuel

The Mendocino County Fire Safe Council (MCFSC), under its fiscal sponsor the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District (MCRCD), has developed a Countywide Community Chipper Program. Through this program, MCFSC has reduced wildfire fuel for over 150 homes in Brooktrails. We thank the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council for funding and contracting for this important project.

CHIPPER DAY for BROOKTRAILS is on the 2nd Monday of every month. If you live in BROOKTRAILS, register for the next Chipper Day by clicking here. If you don’t have access to internet, please call (707.462.3662). For OTHER SHERWOOD CORRIDOR PROPERTIES, please call Bobbie at 707.462.3662 to schedule a Chipper Day. And don’t forget to tell a neighbor!

Thank you for helping to reduce the risk of wildfire in our community by signing up for Chipper Days

Survey: How was your experience with the Chipper Day? How many hours and how much money did you spend in preparing the material for the Chipper Day? Email your response to!

Defensible Space Assistance Program

You may also be interested in MCFSC’s Defensible Space Assistance Program for Income Eligible (DSAFIE) program. This free program provides some labor to assist eligible residents with clearing around the property to prepare for a Chipper Day. For more information, click here.

Sherwood Firewise Communities will continue to organize funding that is available to Sherwood Corridor residences.